my cat is so sick he won’t eat or drink and he became so weak…

my cat is so sick he won’t eat or drink and he became so weak and can hardly walk and can’t keep his balence PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSE tell me what to do i really love that cat he’s 5 years old
this is a picture of him when he was 2

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Ýàçînè Sàīdî
Ýàçînè Sàīdî
9 years ago

that’s the problem i took him to three diffrent vets and his condition is still the same i force feed him every day but that does not come up with any goods 🙁

Ýàçînè Sàīdî
Ýàçînè Sàīdî
9 years ago

it doesn’t matter anymore cause he’s died. but thanx anyway

Ýàçînè Sàīdî
Ýàçînè Sàīdî
9 years ago

it’s ok thak you all ^_^

9 years ago

What did the vets do? What came out for the bloodwork (kidneys, liver, T4…?), did they do an x-ray or ultrasound? What’s with his ears? Did he stop eating first, or did the weakness/balance problems came first, any other symptoms?

9 years ago

I’m so sorry for your loss!

9 years ago

he needs a vet.  please take him now.

9 years ago

i’m so sorry, Yacine. i really am. 🙁