She is not rubbing or trying to clean it. It is almost like she has…

She is not rubbing or trying to clean it. It is almost like she has gotten a hair in it.

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Edie Zimmer
Edie Zimmer
9 years ago

There is no swelling, and when she is active or playing it is wide open. it is only when she sit and relaxes it closes about a third of the way.

Edie Zimmer
Edie Zimmer
9 years ago

Thank You. I have had cats for many years and was not really worried as she showed no signs of discomfort, but my husband wanted some kind of answer ( other than mine). There does not seem to be anything in the eye, I was thinking she might have gotten a small scratch from playing with her brother.

Emma Hill
Emma Hill
9 years ago

I wouldn’t worry unless they’re showing signs of pain(Meowing without reason, trying to rub eyes but then yelps or jumps in pain, etc.) or signs of blindness (Running into furniture head on, getting confused if you move a piece of furniture and running into piece of furniture, etc.) And my kitties do this all the time. Usually there’s several reasons why this happens. 1) They have something in their eyes such as goo from sleeping, almost like eye boogers, 2)They are really tired and might have allergies or a cold, 3)They love you (Cats don’t like looking straight into your… Read more »