My cat has had a scab on her nose for a couple months. I took…

My cat has had a scab on her nose for a couple months. I took her to the vet and he tested her for mites. Came back negative. He told me to give her 4 doses of revolution every other week to see if it would clear up. It looked like it was clearing up but today she seemed out of it (she’s a outdoor cat). I went outside and her nose was worse than ever! Scabby and super swollen. It looked like she had no nose. I took her back to the vet. She had fever of 105. I’m waiting on blood work. Since being home her nose started dripping blood and a white sack appeared and is getting bigger and bigger. Any idea what this could be? I’m so scared she’s going to die tonight :'(

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Diedra Cardamone
9 years ago

Aleshia that sounds awful – I am so sorry to hear this.  Could you take her to the emergency vet tonight?
