My cat was taken into the vet yesterday at around 4pm to get checked for…

My cat was taken into the vet yesterday at around 4pm to get checked for a UTI as she has been having some urinary incontinence. We were sent home with Buprenorphine and Maropitant(cerenia) 24mg 4PK For Pain and Nausea.. Since we have been home she has not been wanting to move much or use her hind legs.. when I fed her food she ate it but I am unsure if she has had much water since the fluids the vet gave her.

Is there a reason she is not wanting to use her back legs much and is sitting on her side instead of her butt?

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Chelsea McCrone
Chelsea McCrone
8 years ago

Okay will do, Thank you so much!

Chelsea McCrone
Chelsea McCrone
8 years ago

Hi Krista,

I did call our local 24 hour emergency hospital and they said to monitor her for any signs of severe lethargy since her appointment yesterday she has seemed fine.. but when I got back home I noticed that she was not normal and was not sitting or using her back legs properly.

Will continue to monitor her until tomorrows appointment. Do you think it could be because she is in pain?

Chelsea McCrone
Chelsea McCrone
8 years ago

One more thing. Would you suggest me to give her some plain chicken broth and rice until her appointment in the morning or shall I continue to feed her her normal cat food?

Chelsea McCrone
Chelsea McCrone
8 years ago

Okay I will pick some up after her Urinary Analysis tomorrow morning… Thank you again Krista!