My cat has a wound on his tail. We don’t know where the wound came…

My cat has a wound on his tail. We don’t know where the wound came from, but it looks like a scratch, it’s not very big, and we suspect it came from a mean neighborhood cat.

However, it has a weird strand of something coming out of it that has me worried. It’s thin, about 2.5 inches / 6 cm long, roughly tan colored except in a few places where it’s dark and more red, and about halfway down its length it becomes very thin, kind of like a hair. It does seem to be affixed to his tail, though I’m not sure if it’s actually coming out of the wound.

Here’s an album with a few pictures of it:

Touching it is obviously uncomfortable for my cat. Occasionally he’ll lick it, and I’ve seen him chewing at it a few times as though he’s trying to get rid of it. Other than that, I see no change in his behavior. His tail still has its full range of movement.

What is this thing? Is it serious enough that we should take him to a vet?

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Brian Kendall
Brian Kendall
9 years ago

Just took him to the vet, and they found that the scratch on his tail was bigger than we thought and the thing sticking out was nerve tissue!

Fortunately they bandaged him up, gave him an antibiotic, and he’s going to be okay.