Cat with feeding tube vomits water and food post surgery. Hello, my cat had a squamous …

Cat with feeding tube vomits water and food post surgery.
Hello, my cat had a squamous cell carcinoma removed from the left side of his face. He wasn’t interested in food or water after the surgery, so the vet installed a feeding tube. After one day of tube feeding, he started vomiting everything out – can’t hold down water or food. He was treated for nausea twice – with a Serenia injection one day, and with Zorfan (forgive the spelling errors) on the following day, but he continues throwing up (within minutes of administration of the medication. He hasn’t pooped for 11 days now, but x-ray found stool in his colon – but he is too weak to excrete it. So currently he is at the ER on IV fluids. Any ideas on why his vomiting can’t be treated? Could he have a gag reflex to the feeding tube? Is there an alternative to tube feeding (he won’t eat or drink on his own). Thank you.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

i am sorry this wasnt answered in a more timely fashion. I will try to answer it for others sake. I would say that the issue is the primary cause to the vomiting has still not been addressed or resolved.. I think its time for a review of the diagnostics you have run, xrays, blood work and possibly adding or rechecking an ultrasound. Also at some point we talk about biopsies of the stomach. I hope your kitty ended up doing ok.