My 1year old cat isn’t acting right. He is not eating. But is drinking water…

My 1year old cat isn’t acting right. He is not eating. But is drinking water. Now he is normally real food aggressive but last two days and now into today he hasn’t really eatin. I took to vet and they gave him an anti-inflammatory as well as some ad hills can food to maybe draw him in. He ate just a little last night off my fingers but not interested really. And just laying around. No energy, kinda dazed look. But when at the vet was more interactive but as soon as we got home nothing changed… i have 3 other cats that are healthy and fine. Please help with some insight.

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Cymantha Seeley
Cymantha Seeley
9 years ago

We have all our cats on Revaluation for Parasites. Up to date on all shots too. Our normal vet is closed today and yesterday so when we took him in it was an “emergency” visit at a new vet. They said he wasn’t dehydrated, temperature wasn’t elevated and that he looked fine. But i know he isn’t. They gave him the anti-inflammatory to maybe help relieve gastric pain or discomfort. Then that ad food. I would really like to wait until he can go to our vet Monday because they know him and the emergency vet is super expensive and… Read more »

Cymantha Seeley
Cymantha Seeley
9 years ago

We have all our cats on Revaluation for Parasites. Up to date on all shots too. Our normal vet is closed today and yesterday so when we took him in it was an “emergency” visit at a new vet. They said he wasn’t dehydrated, temperature wasn’t elevated and that he looked fine. But i know he isn’t. They gave him the anti-inflammatory to maybe help relieve gastric pain or discomfort. Then that ad food. I would really like to wait until he can go to our vet Monday because they know him and the emergency vet is super expensive and… Read more »

Cymantha Seeley
Cymantha Seeley
9 years ago

He is drinking water no problem. Thats whats throwing me so off. Im just keep offering him that wet food when he starts licking himself and it kind of tricks him into licking some up. I think we are going to ride it out for now, but if he starts drinking less and what not I will definitely be taking him back. Thank you so much for your insight. Blood work tomorrow for sure. Oh, one more symptom is hes not pooping but is peeing. And hes know to chew on things like shirts and towels and boxes. Im just… Read more »

Cymantha Seeley
Cymantha Seeley
9 years ago

Took him in to my vet that Monday and he was very disturbed with the size of the steroid/anti-inflammatory other vet gave him. And the lack of antibiotic. Said he had a virus or cold and should had been given that first not the other shot, which is why his behavior didn’t change. He received some fluids and antibiotics and three days later doing great. Thank you for the insight. It was very comforting at the time.