my cat wont eat, hes still a kitten and usually plays but wont play now…

my cat wont eat, hes still a kitten and usually plays but wont play now, has a cold nose. do you know what wrong? what should we do? we are low on money so we cant afford to go to a vets office

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brie griffin
brie griffin
8 years ago

sometimes my parents, im 13, wont do that, they dont seem to care or at least my dad doesnt, also my dad works to much to go o the vet with my mom

Ashley Carlson
Ashley Carlson
8 years ago

Some places may have volunteers to come out and help transport the kitten. Or if you have a local animal control officer you can tell them you have a sick kitten who needs help. Unfortunately sometimes they may euthanize the kitten, so you need to ask what will happen to him if they pick him up. Some shelters/rescues will do whatever is in their power to save the lives on the animals who come to them while others don’t have the resources and are forced to euthanize sick animals.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

You need to take him to the vet.  Try calling a local rescue, the humane society or even friends to see if they can help with money.

Melinda Salmaone
Melinda Salmaone
8 years ago

I would see if you can borrow from someone ,also like was already said call your local shelters they might have knowledge or your local vets. Take some time make some calls . Vets may also discount their rate or offer a credit card through them or payment plan. you really need to act fast an animal not eating is serious and the ending won’t be good. So I cant stress enough act as quickly as possible. good luck to you and you kitten.