my cat wont eat, he is still a kitten and wont play, and his nose…

my cat wont eat, he is still a kitten and wont play, and his nose is cold. do you know whats wrong with? what should we do? we cant go to vet cause we are low on money

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brie griffin
brie griffin
8 years ago

he so far hasnt eaten except for a few days, about 4 or 5 except one bite of canned food. i dont really know if he ate anything thats bad for him. he will drink water, thankfully. he seems to be losing a lot of weight. my mom said it could be a blockage would he get fat if it were a blockage?

Ashley Carlson
Ashley Carlson
8 years ago

You could also try calling local shelters or rescues to see if any of them may be able to help you.  Some shelters have crisis intervention programs or low-cost clinics.  Some may take him and make him better if you agree to surrender him.  I know that might be hard, but it could save his life. Check out for possible options in your area.

Kristen Vance
Kristen Vance
8 years ago

Unfortunately it is very hard to diagnose what could be wrong with him over the Internet with those signs.   How long has this been going on?  Could he have eaten anything he shouldn’t have?   Will he drink tuna juice or anything?   I am not sure how close you are to one of the veterinary schools but they sometimes have student clinics that are cheaper or may be able to offer you a payment plan etc   

Kristen Vance
Kristen Vance
8 years ago

He definitely needs veterinary care. There are options such as carecredit which you can apply for online to use at local animal hospitals for as Ashley said maybe a rescue or shelter can help you.