Both of my cats have been experiencing diarrhea. The older one has yellow diarrhea and…

Both of my cats have been experiencing diarrhea. The older one has yellow diarrhea and the kitten has trouble getting to the bathroom on time. I’m not sure if it’s because of the food or because they are in contact with other outside cats.

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Alexandra Holley
Alexandra Holley
9 years ago

They are also still very active and show no signs of being sick. I feed and water them when ever I see that there bowl is running low

Alexandra Holley
Alexandra Holley
9 years ago

My cats were strays so they used to be outside. I just rescued my kitten recently so my cat might have gotten something from him. I don’t think I’ll be able to afford a vet because I don’t have a job. But I’ll try to feed them healthier cat food and if that doesn’t help all I can do is try to find them a home that can provide for them.

9 years ago

are your cats outside cats?