My cats eye has been discharging and shut off and on for few days. Is…

My cats eye has been discharging and shut off and on for few days. Is it safe to use the neomycin and polymyxin B ointment I have? Allergic reactions?

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Brandon Barris
Brandon Barris
9 years ago

Thank you, but if my cat has never taken this med and reaction is unknown is it safe to try it. What happens when there is an allergic reaction?

Ramiah Smith
Ramiah Smith
9 years ago

If your pet has swelling of the face, itching, or appears to have difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately. Do not touch the dropper or tube opening to any surface including eyes or hands.

Ramiah Smith
Ramiah Smith
9 years ago

This drug is an eye medication that is a combination of three antibiotics and is used in dogs and cats to treat bacterial infections. 



Cats can have a severe allergic reaction to the neomycin or polymyxin component in this eye medication

Animals with a known hypersensitivity or allergy to any of these drugs should not take this medication

  • Cats can have a severe allergic reaction to the neomycin or polymyxin component in this eye medication
  • Animals with a known hypersensitivity or allergy to any of these drugs should not take this medication