I’m planning on buying a cat this coming semester. I’ll be living in a fraternity…

I’m planning on buying a cat this coming semester. I’ll be living in a fraternity house with 20 or so other people. I was told that, when I inevitably move (likely in a year) the cat will mourn what it percieves to be the deaths of its former housemates, since it will not be seeing them around its living space any more.

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Brandon Verkamp
Brandon Verkamp
8 years ago

“Buy a cat. I presume you mean adopt a cat? ” Yes, you are correct. “It is too noisy, too chaotic,” I have considered this factor, actually. The house I’m living in is actually not loud or chaotic at all 99% of the time. “and there are too many people coming and going.” As long as they watch to make sure that the cat is not going to dart through the door when they exit, it should be fine, yes? “Most college kids lack resources for all of the possible needed pet care items, and especially lack resources should emergencies… Read more »