I have two cats and we had an issue with fleas and I’ve been giving…

I have two cats and we had an issue with fleas and I’ve been giving them flea baths every week because I’m not allowed to give them a bath within seven days of each other they have flea callers I even gave them a droplet solution on the back of their necks now one of my cats I found three pustules yesterday on her stomach should I bring her to the vet and what could it be

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Eleanor Wood
Eleanor Wood
11 years ago

Hi Chelsea, First of all, if you’ve had a problem with fleas it is well worth getting your house treated as well as the cats – you can buy household sprays fairly cheaply over the counter at most vets, and this will stop the fleas breeding. Also, make sure that the collars and drops you’re using will work if you are also bathing your cats, as most of these products work by spreading through the natural oils in the skin, which bathing strips out. Regarding the pustules, if there are only three, and your cat isn’t scratching or licking at… Read more »

Eleanor Wood
Eleanor Wood
11 years ago

Hi Chelsea, First of all, if you’ve had a problem with fleas it is well worth getting your house treated as well as the cats – you can buy household sprays fairly cheaply over the counter at most vets, and this will stop the fleas breeding. Also, make sure that the collars and drops you’re using will work if you are also bathing your cats, as most of these products work by spreading through the natural oils in the skin, which bathing strips out. Regarding the pustules, if there are only three, and your cat isn’t scratching or licking at… Read more »