We have a 4 month old boy, (Cinder) and a decided to get a new…

We have a 4 month old boy, (Cinder) and a decided to get a new kitten, (Willow) recently so they can be friends while we work all day, so they don’t get lonely. She had ringworm and red bites all over when we got her, she wasn’t looked after very well. We got treatment for her from our vet, a 2x week shampoo and anti-fungal cream daily. Her’s are all clearing up and looking better, but now Cinder has developed one on his ear. We are treating it like we were told to treat Willows. Shampoo 2x week and cream daily. Now his ear is red and shredded of skin and hair and the other one is starting to do the same. He’s developed red spots on his temples and head. He had just started to get diarrhoea as well. And we haven’t changed his food, his mood is as normal. Still running around and chasing things. We have confined them to a tiled area of the house, which he is hating. But does this sound like something other than ringworm? Willows ringworm is healing completely different. Or is it possible he’s reacting to the treatment?

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