I noticed the swelling 2 days ago. It is between the one eye and upper…

I noticed the swelling 2 days ago. It is between the one eye and upper jaw / cheek. She is 10 years old with no previous medical history. She is not exhibiting any other unusual behaviour. Her appetite is as usual. No discharge of fluid in the eye or mouth. No signs of lesions or wounds. Gums are pink. I am able to touch the area and she does not seem to be in pain. It feels hard like a stiff muscle.

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Ehrhard Visser
Ehrhard Visser
8 years ago

Thank you SO much!!! It appeared quite suddenly…when I left the house that morning she was still fine, when I returned about 5 hours later I noticed the swelling. I honestly hope its not cancer 🙁
My vet will only be available tomorrow morning… will it be fine to wait till then?