My 5 month puppy has been throwing up multiple times in the past couple weeks…

My 5 month puppy has been throwing up multiple times in the past couple weeks. She starts to breath heavy almost sounding congested and then vomits. It is usually clear fluid sometimes with a slight yellow tint and has full undigested treats. It usually happens at the end of the night.

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Angie Von Hoff
Angie Von Hoff
9 years ago

Thanks! I’m pretty sure that is what happened. Did your vet have to remove the blockage or did it pass on its own?

Tracey Nash
Tracey Nash
9 years ago

So, I’m obviously not an expert, but I can tell you that my 6 month old labrador retriever experienced something similar to this about two weeks ago and it turns out it was because he had (over the course of a couple of weeks we think) been swallowing pieces of a blanket, which caused a stomach/intestinal blockage. After a trip to the vet and a barium study (and about $500) he is fine, but it was scary for a few hours there. Not sure if this helps, but thought I would share. Good luck with your puppy!

Tracey Nash
Tracey Nash
9 years ago

Thankfully it passed on it’s own! The vet wanted to keep him until it had traveled to his colon (she said the esophagus, stomach and intestines are where they worry about it getting stuck) and then once it’s there, she said we were out of the trouble zone, so we could take him home and wait for him to pass it naturally. It took a couple of days and came out in several different pieces, but eventually was all gone. Really hope everything turns out okay with your puppy!