I gave her a flea bath, did the frontline treatment and then cleaned the entire…

I gave her a flea bath, did the frontline treatment and then cleaned the entire house with a flea powder that you vacuum up after. I still found some on her, what should I do next?

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Crystal Plumb
Crystal Plumb
9 years ago

Yes she does have the little black flakes! Can I give her another flea bath? I bought some spray to put on the furniture and floors again and will be doing that again.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
9 years ago

Frontline is not an immediate kill type of product.  Is there any flea dirt (small black pieces of flea feces) on your dog?  It is possible she picked up a couple of fleas when she went out to urinate/defecate. Also, the makers of Frontline suggest treating the animals (all animals in the house) for 3 consecutive months in order to eliminate a flea problem.

If you notice flea dirt on her then I would suggest contacting your vet about a product like trifexis, comfortis or nexgard.

Matthew Kelcourse
Matthew Kelcourse
9 years ago

Also – Frontline is now an OTC flea preventative that fleas are developing resistance to; so I am seeing a lot of patients with fleas and flea dirt that are using Frontline… just not very effective.

Dr K