I recently (three days ago specifically) took in a 1 year old Pitbull puppy for…

I recently (three days ago specifically) took in a 1 year old Pitbull puppy for a family friend who can no longer keep her. I’m starting to worry about her, because she cries a lot and I’m not sure why. I had just taken her to use the bathroom where she did both, and when we got inside she started to whine – so I know it wasn’t because she had to use it. She lives upstairs with my mother and sister because my cats (three of them) live downstairs with me, and fear her. So whenever I get the chance to I come upstairs and visit and play her with her. She seems sad. She throws herself on the floor and makes a big deep SIGH. What could I do to help?

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Eliss Bonilla
Eliss Bonilla
8 years ago

Thanks! I hope she adjusts soon, I feel bad for her. Nothing I do seems to help – she walks around with her tail in between her legs.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

First I would take her to a vet for a check up to be sure it’s not medical.  However, it is possible she is depressed and may take time to adjust to a new family!