My girlfriend and I were planning to get a pair of dogs very soon…

My girlfriend and I were planning to get a pair of dogs very soon. We have narrowed down our list to a few breeds, and we were wondering which two would have the best chemistry.
The breeds we have in mind are:
Siberian Husky
Golden Retriever (Red)
Australian Shepherd
German Shepherd
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Shikoku (Hard to get I know).

I know this may seem like kind of a dumb question, but I know that getting something like a yorkie and a high prey drive big dog isn’t a good idea. I know none of these dogs would kill each other, but I just want to have the most compatibility as possible.

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9 years ago

if i would you, i’d do a LOT of research.  you’re all over the place with those breeds and i wonder what has drawn you to this list, specifically?  what are you looking for?  what’s your daily routine?  do you have a fence?  are you active people?  have you ever had dogs in the past, let alone high energy dogs?