i have a chocolate lab that is 15 years old she sometimes has a hard…

i have a chocolate lab that is 15 years old she sometimes has a hard time getting up with her age,i have just started a new product called ANTINOL by vetz petz,which is an all natural product.my question is: prior to giving her ANTINOL,for years i have been giving her 650mg(4 pills a day)of glucosamine,a daily vitamin(consists of multi-vitamin a,b,e two pills aday) and 4 pills a day of brewers yeast for skin and coat,with her now taking ANTINOL,Can she still take the other pills safely with ANTINOL,OR SHOULD I DISCONTINUE the other pills.i would appreciate a veterinarian answering my question!!!! thank you very much!

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Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
9 years ago

Hi Dale,I’m not a vet, just lifelong experience with a variety of animals, but until a vet see’s your post I’ll chime in. . Prior to giving your dog any supplements or other pills you should consult your vet to determine if the supplement is needed or not. Sometimes an underlying condition could be the cause of your pets problem. At 15yrs old, that’s pretty senior for a lab and I’d be thinking at this point your pet may need a heavier type of medication to help with the stiffness and pain involved with getting up.Looking forward to what vet’s… Read more »