I have a one year old chocolate lab. He chews all my clothes while I’m…

I have a one year old chocolate lab. He chews all my clothes while I’m sleeping or not watching him. He gets into my garbage and tears things apart. This morning be knocked my side table over by my bay window and broke a flower pot.

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Chelsey Kingston
Chelsey Kingston
8 years ago

Oops my question got cut off. I was asking how do I stop this? He was to the vet yesterday. He does have an ear infection which I got drops for. Other than that the vet said he is healthy. It is mostly during the night when I am sleeping that this behavior happens. Except for the trash picking. I have to keep the bathroom door shut so he doesn’t get into the garbage. Also it seems like he knows he is in the wrong when I acknowledge this misbehavior. He gets out for walks just not as much due… Read more »

Chelsey Kingston
Chelsey Kingston
8 years ago

Okay I will look into obedience training and keeping him in the crate at night. Thank you.

Chelsey Kingston
Chelsey Kingston
8 years ago

Also, any recommendations on dry itchy skin? I brush him daily and put canine omega 3 in him food which has helped a bit but not entirely.

8 years ago

crate training is something i’d look into, as well.  if he cannot be trusted, then he should not have full access to your home.  i agree with Dr. Magnifico, he needs a lot more work from you to keep his boredom in check.

eventually he may get an obstruction if you allow this to continue.  obstructions are costly and can be fatal.  nip this in the bud NOW.

8 years ago

again: obedience training and crate training. the obedience training will help tire him out, the crate will keep him contained.

8 years ago

this could be potentially fixed with a higher quality food. what does he eat now?

i would consider wiping him down with coconut oil, too.