For example, after coming in from a walk, their feet are wet and dirty. So…

For example, after coming in from a walk, their feet are wet and dirty. So I put them in their crates a bit to dry off. And after a little while, I take them to the bathroom and wipe them with moistened towels with baby wash and also dry towels, but that isn’t perfect because I have to walk them from the living room to the kitchen to the bathroom. And the cat litterbox is by the bathroom doorway, so they feet track the litter too.
I know that washing couch blankets, dog bedding, vaccuming and sweeping a lot and general home maintenance is good, but I’m looking for ideas to make it easier, and quicker, and would allow my dogs to be happier.
(I have 3 cats, 2 dogs and a small house with no mud room, basement, hallways, seperating doors, or dog or cat proof room. Yes, I know it wasn’t very good planning on my part. I am married and my husband goes to work, while I stay home.)

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Annie Yang-Shaffer
Annie Yang-Shaffer
9 years ago

Keeping more litterboxes is a really great idea. I think of part of they kick a lot of litter out of the litterbox may be a territorial thing, since the young female cats don’t like the old male cat and vice versa. So since they’re essentially forced to use the same litterbox, maybe that causes problems? I’m not sure… But I don’t want to confuse my cats, since the I’ve been using the same spot ever since I moved in. (My husband set up that spot back when there was just 2 cats and 1 dog.) Here’s the layout of… Read more »

Annie Yang-Shaffer
Annie Yang-Shaffer
9 years ago

Keeping both moist and dry towels by the door does help! 🙂 It really saves a trip to the bathroom and prevents the dogs from tracking the cat litter if they don’t even go there in the first place.

Annie Yang-Shaffer
Annie Yang-Shaffer
9 years ago

Both of my dogs are short coated, but I agree that it would be a good tip for having a longer haired dog.