My 9 year old Cocker Spaniel was left on her own for a couple of…

My 9 year old Cocker Spaniel was left on her own for a couple of hours on Sat (she is used to time alone when necessary) When we got back she had poopd all over the downstairs. Never happened before she is spotless usually. 5 poo bags needed. What is going on?

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6 years ago

Is it possible she got into something she shouldn’t have? That seems like an awful lot of mess formamshort period of time. I’d take a look around to make sure- anything bad that she may have gotten into, I would give a call to the vet and see what they recommend. Hope it’s ok!

6 years ago

I probably would. They may want you to bring in a stool sample to test. I would definitely keep an eye on her today, and if it happens again or she seems to be straining I would get to the vet.