My 9 year old Cocker Spaniel has had quite a few issues. Pancreas probems to…

My 9 year old Cocker Spaniel has had quite a few issues. Pancreas probems to name one. This past few days she has not been herself at all. Limping slightly and having great difficulty in getting up on to the chair, also difficulty in moving along the settee or the bed, more or less shuffling along and wimpering looking at me as if to say “mum I`m hurting” any ideas please.

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Julie Brader
6 years ago

Hi sorry to hear about your Cocker Spaniel…I too have the same breed. Cockers are prone to spinal problems, IVDD (premature ageing of the spine). It sounds like your dog could have a problem with one of his discs. He needs to see a Vet urgently. If this condition is left he could be paralysed, so please don’t leave him, Vet now. Don’t let him attempt to jump on sofas, go up stairs ect…keep him on the same level. Hope all goes well, please let us know.