I have a 3 1/2 year old Coonhound that I just can’t seem to completely…

I have a 3 1/2 year old Coonhound that I just can’t seem to completely housebreak. He knows that if he goes outside he gets praised and a treat. As long as we are home, as a general rule (he has a few times), he won’t go in the house. However, if we leave, he always craps and pees in our basement. We had him go stay with a trainer and he was really good there. He was great the first week we had him home, now he’s back at it. I’ve cleaned the area he goes in with an enzyme cleaner, ammonia, vinegar, and even put cayenne pepper down as I read it was supposed to keep him from going there. I’m not sure if it’s just really bad separation anxiety or what the deal is. I try keeping him distracted with something when I leave but that doesn’t seem to be working any more. Now, he even has my other dog, a 3 1/2 year old Chorkie, reverting and she’s been going in the house even though she has been housebroke for years. I really hate to have to take him back to the shelter because of this, but it has been 3 months and I can’t seem to break him. ANY SUGGESTIONS OR HELP AT ALL?!? (We have to be able to leave him alone for 8 hours because sometimes our work schedules over lap) Also kenneling is not an option with him as he severely hurts himself and even the vet and trainer said he will never be able to be kenneled.

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Melissa Rumph
Melissa Rumph
7 years ago

I have been through 3 trainers already. He does really well for them, is good for the 1st week, then back to the same issue. I have no way of blocking the basement off as the last time I tried that, he tore down the door which led to him tearing down half the wall so we had to tear it out. Right now he is only left by himself for maybe 1 hour, however, I would like to be able to leave him for 8 and have no problems, which should be doable. The vet said everything was fine… Read more »

Melissa Rumph
Melissa Rumph
7 years ago

Okay. Do you have any tips or suggestions on how yo work on the anxiety?

7 years ago

How long are they left alone without the opportunity to eliminate? that is one important criteria to consider. Nanny cam to determine whether separation anxiety is involved. Veterinary checkup to make sure nothing medical is going on.

7 years ago

Nanny cam would tell you how much anxiety there is. And if that’s the case, you’d need to work on that.

7 years ago

I would find another trainer and block access to the basement.