I have a dalmatian who has been limping on his front left paw for about…

I have a dalmatian who has been limping on his front left paw for about 2 weeks, he still plays and runs, but I noticed he limps and when he’s at a resting point he favors it. How can I know if its just growing pains or something more?

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Alexis E
Alexis E
9 years ago

He is 11 months old and he has not yet seen a vet yet, considering that I was trying to wait and see if it is growing pains.

9 years ago

i gather this is a puppy?  has he been seen by a vet for this yet?

9 years ago

i’d get him in. better to be safe than sorry, you know? i don’t think i’d have pushed it more than a few days of consistent limping.