Hi, my daughter just got a puppy from a shelter. She is 5 months…

Hi, my daughter just got a puppy from a shelter. She is 5 months old. She keeps wanting to outside to eat grass. Earlier today she got sick two times in the car. She also got sick in the car when she was bringing her home. Will eating the grass hurt her or will it help her to vomit?

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Krista Magnifico
11 years ago

Hello Brenda, Thanks for your question. There are a few things to discuss. I would like to know how long you have had your puppy, and if she has been to the vet yet? I would also like to know if she has had a fecal check, she might need more than one? I always worry about intestinal worms with puppies, especially if they are vomiting or having diarrhea. (I tell my clients that "most puppies come with worms, it is very common, and worms come with the puppy package. So expect them, check for them, and treat for them.").… Read more »