Good day! My dog doesn’t eat, her tooth was broked and her gums…

Good day! My dog doesn’t eat, her tooth was broked and her gums becomes pale in color she’s only drink water. Because she always scratching her teeth in the wall. What can i do? Please help me

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Bon Jeaven
Bon Jeaven
8 years ago

It cost too much if im getting her in clinic?

Bon Jeaven
Bon Jeaven
8 years ago

Thank you so much for your help

8 years ago

Bon, pale gums is an emergency. It means something isn’t right with the blood or blood flow. Please see a vet now. 

8 years ago

If you don’t it might cost you her life. Pale gums is a serious matter. At least call them and ask. At least have physical exam done and you can then discuss what else needs to be done.