We bought the wrong kind. We bought something for adult dogs. He is not an…

We bought the wrong kind. We bought something for adult dogs. He is not an adult yet so we went back yesterday and bought the right kind. The vomiting stopped now he just won’t eat and he still has a fever. He’ll eat his doggie treats here and there just not his actual food. What should we do?

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Brittani McClain
Brittani McClain
8 years ago

Thank You I Called They Told Me To Come First Thing In The Morning

Brittani McClain
Brittani McClain
8 years ago

Thank You So Much I Just Called The Vet And Made An Appointment For Tomorrow Morning.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

I would take your dog and the dog food you bought to a vet!  This may be a case of poisoning from a recalled food – or it could be unrelated to the food at all!  Only the vet can help you determine what is happening with your pups’s health.  Typically switching to an adult dog food does not result in vomiting and fever!  I suspect something else is going on.