I have a 1 1/2 year old male cat. As a kitten he was given…

I have a 1 1/2 year old male cat. As a kitten he was given all of his injections, was neutered and chipped. After then he was allowed to go outside for several hours at a time. we use a flea repellent drop on him monthly and he is wormed every 3 months in accordance with the packet directions. He enjoys being outside and always stays close to home, returning when shouted in. My partner is concerned that allowing him to go outside is significantly reducing his life span and is bad for his health, but he enjoys being allowed outside. Would you advise that it would be better for the cat to be kept indoors rather than allowed out during the daytime?

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8 years ago

Outdoor cats have shorter lifespans than indoor cats.  You cannot guarantee he is safe from accident and injury, and he may very well pick up worms, other parasites, and disease.

I wouldn’t let him outside.  If you do, keep him on a leash and stay outside with him.  This is safest.
8 years ago

Cats never just stay in a backyard.

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kim chi
kim chi
8 years ago

It doesn’t really affect it much, it can knock of 1-2 years of a cats like though. I just think it’s dangerous for them to be out because of other hazards such as, cars, other people, and other cats, even some toxic plants, but if it’s a backyard I think that it’s perfectly safe, but honestly it all comes down to opinion.