My dog was diagnosed by two vets. One said he had a mild case of…

My dog was diagnosed by two vets. One said he had a mild case of collapsed treacha without doing an X-ray. The other one said he had a reverse sneeze due to allergies. He is also sneezing. Put him on medicine. With a mild case of collapsed treacha what would be the symptoms?

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6 years ago

Good morning… When you went for the second opinion, were you able to explain the first diagnosis to that vet as well? Did you ask for an X-ray? I cannot tell you what to look for, as I personally have never dealt with a collapsed trachea. I am sure one of the Pawbly experts can help you more specifically there… I’m just offering that if you are unsure of the diagnosis, I would certainly have a thorough conversation with the vet who regularly sees your pup, and explain your concerns, so that you can both come up with a plan… Read more »