My Doberman Gabe, has has diaherrea for 6 days, possibly from his DA2PPV shot, same…

My Doberman Gabe, has has diaherrea for 6 days, possibly from his DA2PPV shot, same thing happened last year! I took him to the vet, stool sample normal. They gave him Provable Forte kit and Metronidazole, 5mg. He has been on chicken & rice but still has the symptoms. I was wondering if kapecto or pepto his old would be ok for him until I get him to the vet tomorrow?

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Is he acting otherwise normally? Happy? Active? Seemingly feeling ok? If so I would prefer to withhold food and water until you can get to the vet tomorrow.. if you are a jvc client you can also private message me on our jvc Facebook page anytime.