does my dogs neuter incision look normal? I’m trying to keep him blocked off into …

does my dogs neuter incision look normal? I’m trying to keep him blocked off into a small room in my basement and it’s been storming a lot recently and he’s terrified of storms so he knocks down or jumps over everything i use as a dog gate to keep him confined and makes him way to sit up on the stairs. One night he also some how got his cone off while i was sleeping. I can’t control him and keep him confined and nothing i do is working. He just got neutered friday morning.

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4 years ago

Hi there-
When is your follow up visit? I think I would try to get in to see the vet. And perhaps they can give you something to help keep him calmer? I would also have a conversation about what to look for at the incision site. Right now, it looks like it is more red than your last photo (it is so hard to tell from a picture) and it looks as if it might be oozing? So I would make a phone call to the vet. Best of luck- keep us posted.????????????

4 years ago

Have you tried:
melatonin for storms
sleeping in the same room until he heals

4 years ago

Also, consider trying a Thundershirt. They’re supposed to keep dogs calmer during storms. Good luck!