my dog is 4 weeks old. his mother has rejected him milk. i brought the…

my dog is 4 weeks old. his mother has rejected him milk. i brought the dog from the breeder and she has already started feeding him puppy food should i continue giving him puppy food or milk from a bottle?

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8 years ago

oof, that’s tough.  you have a lot of work ahead of you.

first: please report this person.  they’re breaking the law by selling puppies under 8 weeks of age.  they’ve done you no favors by selling you a puppy that is lacking in ALL socialization with littermates.

second: at this point, i believe puppies should be eating a gruel made with puppy milk and puppy-specific kibble.

8 years ago

i actually called my breeder about my second point…i figure if anyone knew, it would be an ethical breeder!