My dog will be 6 months old when he first brought her home he was…

My dog will be 6 months old when he first brought her home he was trained to go on the puppy pads and to go outside here recently she wants to go outside as soon as you get her outside she runs for the door we don’t understand why.

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Dawn Freeman
Dawn Freeman
8 years ago

Thank you so much I will give it a try.?

Sarah Branham
Sarah Branham
8 years ago

I know when our dogs were puppies, sometimes they just were to distracted with wanting to play they didn’t want to be “bothered” to use the bathroom.  We would stay outside with them for a little while and continue to give them a “potty” command, we used “Go use the bathroom” and we would just repeat it over and over and then when they went we would make a big deal about it and immediately give them a treat to reinforce the good behavior. If she is home alone a lot, it could just be needing more attention. Remember, puppies… Read more »