My dog is allergic to the cat and im just wondering is there anything else…

My dog is allergic to the cat and im just wondering is there anything else that I can do other than get rid og the cat

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Chelsea Morgan
Chelsea Morgan
9 years ago

We went to the vets and they said because of her having rashes and itching all off the time. Also because it is only where the cat has been near her, so she is allergic to my cat and I really dont want to get rid of my cats hes lovely and ive had him since a kitten

Lisa Pfab
Lisa Pfab
9 years ago

I would wonder if the dog is eating cat food that he may be allergic to.

I would think that she is allergic to food or something else.  I would make sure the dog cannot get to the cats food, or the litterbox

Diedra Cardamone
9 years ago

Hello Chelsea.  How was it determined that your dog is allergic to the cat?  I have not heard of this before.
