my dog ate a hand sized brownie last night that was expired, she’s breathing a…

my dog ate a hand sized brownie last night that was expired, she’s breathing a little weird, but otherwise, acting completely normal. i can’t afford to take her to the vet, so what do i do?

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brianna capistrano
brianna capistrano
9 years ago

@ Lisa, she is 10 pounds and a maltese

brianna capistrano
brianna capistrano
9 years ago

she is a 10 pound Maltese. she’s been acting normal, barking, playing with toys, running, and hasn’t thrown up but she is taking meds because she has Addison’s disease, so I’m not sure if that’s the reason why she is breathing heavily.

brianna capistrano
brianna capistrano
9 years ago

I read over a lot of links last night but I’m unsure of what to do

brianna capistrano
brianna capistrano
9 years ago

Thank you! I’m not sure if there were chips in the brownie or not so I’m not exactly sure. Also, my dog is taking meds for Addison’s disease and her breathing is odd because of that so I’m not sure about her odd breathing patterns.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

Don’t worry that the brownie was expired – expiration dates are for the grocery stores and are not an indication of the safety of a food item.  The thing to worry about is the amount of chocolate in the brownie.  And unless the brownie had chocolate chunks/chips in it than the amount of chocolate is very small – probably between 1/4 to 1/2 of an ounce.  With chunks or chips the amount of choc would be much higher and much more of a concern in this size dog. So, if it did not have the chunks or chips I would… Read more »

Lisa Pfab
Lisa Pfab
9 years ago

How big is your dog? around what weight? Was the brownie dark chocolate?  I think if your dog is not tiny it will be ok, maybe some shaking or throwing up.

It really depends on the size of the dog and their age and tolerance.

Lisa Pfab
Lisa Pfab
9 years ago

that is a tiny dog, it may make her sick, try to have her drink as much water as possible to flush it out of her. It can make her sick

check this link out

Lisa Pfab
Lisa Pfab
9 years ago

Is she drinking? keep her flushed with fluids. Unless this was a very dark chocolate, I think she should be okay, but keep her calm and dont let her run around. I had a dog eat a ton of chocolate, now it was a much bigger dog, and he threw up and was panting but in the end ok.
Good luck, if breathing gets worse get to a vet.

Kasia R
Kasia R
9 years ago

I wouldn’t be concerned about it being expired but about the amount of chocolate in it and the type of chocolate! (ie: dark chocolate vs milk chocolate.) You said you can’t afford a vet but how about calling one and asking?? They often don’t mind answering a question. In my opinion, anytime a animal is having difficulty breathing, they need to see a vet. Can you borrow some money or make payment arrangements with your vet?