My dog just ate a uncooked rustlers burger will he die

My dog just ate a uncooked rustlers burger will he die

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Chelsie Gee
Chelsie Gee
8 years ago

Thankyou both for your advice the burger didn’t have any onions but was undercooked and because it was a gmo out of a packet microwave burger that was the cause for my concern my dog seems fine right now but I’m just going to have to wait and see hopefully nothing bad happens he’s like my baby I can’t go to the vets as they charge and are not free where I live but I will definitely not be leaving food un attended ever again lesson learnt!!

8 years ago

Not from the meat and the fact it was uncooked. Not familiar with ingredients – lots of onions? Things like that would be my main concern.  From uncooked burger alone (provided it contains nothing toxic) you might expect – no reaction or belly upset. If it was very fatty you might be looking at major belly upset or pancreatitis but I wouldn’t see that very likely. However, if it has a lot of onions or onion powder and things, I’d be concerned about that because onions are toxic to dogs. Please check the ingredients and when in doubt talk to… Read more »

8 years ago

While I doubt he will die, he may have gastric distress…and if there were onions or garlic in it, there’s a risk of kidney problems.  Call YOUR vet NOW, give them the ingredient list, and ask what you should do.