My dog ate a wooden skewer. I was just wondering if there as anything I…

My dog ate a wooden skewer. I was just wondering if there as anything I could do to help the pieces pass easier?

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Lindsey Knouse
Lindsey Knouse
9 years ago

If you actually saw him eat the object and you believe it can pass strongly recommend getting in contact with a vet, especially if it was large or there could have been more he ate. Call an emergency hospital near you. It is much easier to remove objects, if that’s what needs to be done, without a full GI system from these “bulking” diets. So there are risks to them you need to understand. Feeding soft bread and wet dog food can help in some circumstances.

Lindsey Knouse
Lindsey Knouse
9 years ago

The lind again with out the “I” after it. 🙂 I hope that helps.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hi Anissa, I can’t help but be concerned about how sharp the peices of wood will be. If one or more hit your dogs intestines at the wrong angle they could perforate easily.
Perhaps you should consult a Vet about this and see what he says. I’m not convinced feeding bread will be enough to protect his stomach.
Hope hes ok.