Hello sorry to bother you but i am concerned about my dog. And wanted…

Hello sorry to bother you but i am concerned about my dog. And wanted to get a quick opinion. Lastnight I noticed unusual behavior in him. He was very clingy he was getting up on furniture and bass he normally would never get up on. If I tried to leave out the door he wouldn’t allow me to without trying to force his way out with me. And then his eye looked weird too. Then I woke up to the front bag window covered in blood and teeth marks from him trying to lift it to get out. I noticed he has a broken front tooth he broke off doing this and there’s another side big tooth that looks like an old broken tooth and is yellow. The bleeding has stopped but he still is having seperation issues do you have any suggestions. If so they would be very much appreciated.

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9 years ago

i would get him checked out – it sounds like something really is wrong, and he should see a vet first, especially to address the teeth.