My dog has blood like discharge coming from his ear when he shakes his head…

My dog has blood like discharge coming from his ear when he shakes his head which he is doing continual. It is also all swollen. Apart from phoning the vet in the morning is there anything I can do in meantime?

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Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

Unfortunately there is not much you can do except try to keep him from hitting it on anything.  It sounds like he might have what is called an ear hematoma which is when dogs get a collection of blood in the outer portion of the ear.  Usually if this is hit on something before the vet can drain it blood and bloody serum can be thrown around while the dog is shaking it’s head.  It really isn’t dangerous to the dog’s health but it can make a horrible mess.  Good luck, wish there was more I could do!