My dog is a chocolate Labrador, he hasn’t been able to walk on his back…

My dog is a chocolate Labrador, he hasn’t been able to walk on his back right leg & now all his genatals and inside thigh is seriously bruised coming up in a black and dark red bruises,we have taken him to the vets twice what could this be?

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Emma Wootton
Emma Wootton
8 years ago

Please someone help!!

Emma Wootton
Emma Wootton
8 years ago

Yeah I think we need too, the bruising has only just come up recently, he’s panting really heavily, not being able to go to the toilet not wanting to eat or drink, we have to though.. We give him tablets from the vets but their not helping him. He hasn’t had sleep for ages, us thinking it’s his hips, but not this bruising has come up