I was told to remove the bandages 3-4 days unless swelling occurs than remove the…
I was told to remove the bandages 3-4 days unless swelling occurs than remove the bandages in 1 day but since they fell off the day after surgery than im not sure on what I should do.
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Kelly Furgason
9 years ago
Most vets will just let you come back in and they can help you put them back on. Give a call to your vet and ask to come back in. ~kelly
julie brader
9 years ago
Could you possibly get the bandages back on yourself? If the Vet has said 3/4 days its too soon for them to be off the wounds. If you can’t get them on then you need to phone your Vet and ask advice.
Most vets will just let you come back in and they can help you put them back on. Give a call to your vet and ask to come back in.
Could you possibly get the bandages back on yourself? If the Vet has said 3/4 days its too soon for them to be off the wounds. If you can’t get them on then you need to phone your Vet and ask advice.