My dog was diagnosed with MMM yesterday based on an expensive blood test. She’s…

My dog was diagnosed with MMM yesterday based on an expensive blood test. She’s a 10 month old Min Pin and there is some noticeable muscle atrophy around her head. Will the muscle tone ever return?

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Eric Cook
Eric Cook
9 years ago


Eric Cook
Eric Cook
9 years ago

Hello Dr. Thanks for the input! I have one more question. The initial symptom was inability to completely open her mouth in early Dec. We took her to Banfield Pet Hospital and she was put on Prednisone for two weeks. She got better and stopped the medication. Last week the symptom returned and we took her back to Banfield again. This time a blood test was done and Prednisone resumed. Last night we were informed the test was positive for MMM. The first time her symptoms got better there was no atrophy. Now, the symptoms are resolving again but there… Read more »

Eric Cook
Eric Cook
9 years ago

Also, she has had the Lepto vaccine. I read last night online that this vaccine, unbeknownst to us, sometimes causes autoimmune diseases. Do you think this vaccine led to MMM?

Eric Cook
Eric Cook
9 years ago

Sure, I will have to get the test details from the clinic. However, it was a blood test that cost us $275 and we were told it was specifically testing for MMM. The results took one week to come back. More info and pics to follow in a couple days.

9 years ago

I knew a person in passing whose Doberman Pinscher was diagnosed with it and I believe he has regained his lost muscle tone.  I’ll see if I can get in touch with the owner for you for more details.