My dog died of parvo a month ago and want to get another puppy for…

My dog died of parvo a month ago and want to get another puppy for my family. What should I do to ensure he is safe?

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julie brader
julie brader
8 years ago

Just a note, before you get another dog you need to thoroughly clean and disinfect your house and yard. Parvo Virus lives for a year after the dog suffering from it has gone.

Ask your Vet what products to use.

Don’t take a new puppy into your house unless it has been fully vacinated. 

Kasia R
Kasia R
8 years ago

Sorry about your pup!! Well, first, go to a rescue and get a puppy there! Most of the time, they have been vaccinated and have had a parvo shot! All puppies should have had their first set of vaccinations before you bring them home. Most are dewormed too and its all included in the adoption price. There is no guarantee. My rescue puppy had parvo too, at 7 weeks old, he was sick two day after I brough him  home, but my vet saved his life and he survived.  He is 8 years old now. Just make sure you know… Read more »