My dog has really dry itchy skin, i wanted to start giving him human grade…

My dog has really dry itchy skin, i wanted to start giving him human grade fish oil capsules to see if it would help. What would the correct dosage be ? He is 83 pounds and currently on a raw diet (Mountain Dog Food)

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Ashley Watkins
Ashley Watkins
9 years ago

the vet just keeps giving him medication saying its a skin infection.

Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
9 years ago

Hi Ashley,
Well, first you need to figure out why your dog has itchy and dry skin. It may be allergies to foods or the surroundings or fleas…Best to get to your vet to have them diagnose what is wrong first. Then, you can treat the root cause of the itchy skin. No sense in spending time and money one what you think may be helpful.