My girlfriend and this vet work together at a referral hospital. He says that…

My girlfriend and this vet work together at a referral hospital. He says that they are starting to see a lot of pets come in with blockages or other issues and many of them are fed Blue Buffalo. Additionally, surely you’ve heard about the trouble BB has apparently gotten into about its ingredients? However, this is mostly a battle between Purina and BB and it is not clear whether there are other issues here as well. Basically what I am asking is–should we change? and if so I am not sure what to change to or whether to take ingredients seriously anymore because apparently companies are being dishonest about them. We are also being told to switch to Purina ProPlan instead. Our dog has always been somewhat sensitive to his food.

I love your blog by the way!

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Zachary Groff
Zachary Groff
9 years ago

I really appreciate your even-minded response. What is frustrating about this is that their product has been seemingly intentionally mislabeled. While we’re all affected by advertising, but when determining his diet I tried to avoid advertisements all together and focused on ingredients. However, I can’t trust that they are even listed honestly then I am not sure what to do. I am tempted to switch foods but my method now seems unreliable.

9 years ago

i liked Blue A LOT before they were bought by their parent company.

once the buyout happened, the recipe changed…put a serious hurt on my IBD-suffering cat with that sudden, unannounced change. they didn’t change the label for another 6-12 months, too.