My dog never eats his own poop. So I never pick it up. Yesterday, he…

My dog never eats his own poop. So I never pick it up. Yesterday, he ate some poop in the yard. It was a stacked mound of poop, rather than logs that not on top of each other. It was by the side of the fence where my neighbors live, and they have a malamute that is allowed to roam, so I figured that it somehow broke into my fence and pooped there. I actually had seen my dog sniff it but didn’t think he was actually going to eat it because he occasionally poops along the fence and honestly thought it was his own poop.
Then today, just about 30 minutes ago, he ate another poop, in the same stacked mound fashion, except it was by the side of the fence facing the road instead. I don’t get it… How are these poops getting into my yard? How should I exercise my dog now that he ate poop? How do I know when my dog is going to eat a poop and when he isn’t? Please help! 🙁

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Annie Yang-Shaffer
Annie Yang-Shaffer
9 years ago

I have no idea why he’s starting to eat the poop though. He never has done it before yesterday… That’s why I’m sure those are not his own poop. :

9 years ago

i’d get a game camera and hang it somewhere unobstructed – that’s the only way you’ll know who’s producing the stool.

until you can figure it out, you’ll have to be far more strict with poop cleaning in the yard prior to letting your dog out.  you can’t stop him – he’ll do it for as long as this strange stool is available.