My dog was fine earlier, then all of the sudden he’s whimpering, whining, and limping…

My dog was fine earlier, then all of the sudden he’s whimpering, whining, and limping, he whimpers out loud when you rubs the top of his head. So now he’s laying under me. Is there anything you can tell me, can’t afford the vet.

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Brittany Gholston
Brittany Gholston
9 years ago

He won’t lay his head down or nothing and if you touch the right side of his head and neck he cries out.

Brittany Gholston
Brittany Gholston
9 years ago

I took him to the vet, he’s back to his normal self now ☺☺☺☺

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hello Brittany, I agree with Brooke your dog is in pain and needs to see a Vet. If you don’t have the funds then please get them from somewhere…..borrow the money phone Vets see if they will let you pay it off. Dogs like people need medical attention sometimes and your dog needs it now. 

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

If you haven’t already taken him to a Vet then you need to take him urgently. Hes in pain and suffering. Please don’t just leave him like this. You need to find the money to take him from somewhere. 

Brooke Stein
Brooke Stein
9 years ago

He might of hit his head pretty hard sense you can’t afford a vet just watch him for a few days and if it gets worse you gotta to the vet.;)

Brooke Stein
Brooke Stein
9 years ago

you gotta take him to the vet.:)