We live next door to another dog and she hasn’t been spayed because we own…

We live next door to another dog and she hasn’t been spayed because we own 2 female indoor dogs and they’re rarely outside unattended. She’s also very lean by nature so it’s possible I wouldn’t have noticed but her nipples are a bit saggy and there’s a hard layer in her stomach I recognize (I’ve helped other people’s dogs have puppies) but she also just came out of her heat cycle and I know it’s a possibility. But where we live, we will be kicked out immediately if we have our 2 dogs and a litter of puppies and I don’t want to lose my dog but I know she can’t be separated from the puppies and I have no idea what to do. There is no one who would take her in the meantime, as I live away from my family and just moved to a new area. I have no idea what to do.

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Ryahhna McDowell
Ryahhna McDowell
9 years ago

Where do you live? Try contacting local rescues to take her and the puppies in until they are weaned. If you do that type up a contract, have it notarized, and have the rescue owners sign it. The contract should state that as soon as the pups are weaned your dog will be released back into your care. 

9 years ago

you can get an emergency spay done.